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Back to School, Back to Business: Your Q4 Product Management Power Play

As the lazy days of summer fade and the crisp air of autumn approaches, it's tempting to ease back into work mode gradually. But here's a secret the best product managers know: September isn't just for back-to-school shopping – it's prime time for career acceleration.

Let me introduce you to two powerful practices from my Product Management Playbook: the "Year in Review" and the "Year-End Push" documents. The Year in Review, crafted in December, is a summary of your key achievements, outcomes, and impact. But to finish out the year with a bang and make this document truly shine, you need to start planning for it now. Enter the Year-End Push.

Back to school nine years ago...

The Year-End Push: Strategies and Goals for the Remainder of the Year

The Year-End Push, ideally created in August or early September, is your roadmap for Q4 success. Why now, you ask? Simple. While others are still shaking off the beach sand, you've got a golden opportunity to set yourself apart. October's too late, folks. By then, you're already behind the eight ball.

So, what does this Year-End Push look like? It's not about working longer hours or sacrificing your work-life balance. It's about getting crystal clear on your priorities and outcomes for the next four months. What key initiatives will move the needle for your product and your team? Which stakeholders need to be aligned? What metrics will showcase your impact?

Draft this plan, share it with your manager, and loop in your key stakeholders. Not only does this demonstrate your proactivity and strategic thinking, but it also sets clear expectations and aligns everyone towards common goals.

This approach isn't just about impressing others (though it certainly does that). It's about setting yourself up for success. When December rolls around and it's time for your Year in Review, you'll have a clear roadmap of your accomplishments and impact.

The Product Management Playbook

These documents are just two plays from my Product Management Playbook – a collection of practices and priorities I have found that separate the great product managers from the "just good" ones. It's these kinds of proactive, strategic behaviors that catch the eye of leadership and open doors to bigger opportunities.

Speaking of opportunities, if you're a high-performing product manager looking to take that next step into leadership, I've got something special cooking. This September, I'm launching "Product Leadership 101: Foundations of Strategic Product Leadership" – a cohort-based masterclass designed to equip you with the skills and mindset needed to excel in product leadership roles.

So, as you gear up for the fall, remember: the best product managers don't wait for opportunities – they create them. Your Year-End Push starts now. Are you ready to make these last four months count?


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